Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let's just call a spade what it is. The President is dead. Long live the man Umaru Musa Yar'Adua and long may he benefit from the superior healthcare his position as president gave him. There is nothing else going on here.

To all intents and purposes we do not have a commander in chief. He is either dead or no longer in a position to function and as far as running this country is concerned, it boils down to the same thing. The most generous interpretation we can put on this situation is that his wife is so totally consumed with tending to his needs that for 48 days and counting she cannot speak or bear to see anyone, and for a Nigerian that is almost unimaginable. She has no time to acknowledge the good wishes and fervent prayers that have been uttered for the return to health of Yar'Adua by the combined mass of the people, state governments, judiciary and legislature of Nigeria.....whats going on?...we deserve to know!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice 1 flamzy... Proud of u!!! Good work...
